The Norwegian legend, tenor sax man, goat horn icon, composer and poet Karl Seglem has created his own identity and is one of the great innovators and visionaries of Norwegian music. He has been described as a «national music treasure». He creates unique soundscapes inspired by people, life and nature in Scandinavia. He has a broad catalogue with over 40 album releases. His musical partners are distinctive band members and top-notch Norwegian musicians with whom he has collaborated for many years. He always connects with younger generations, and new powerful talents are involved in his new projects. Much of his music points to the Nordic jazz sound but with Seglem’s unmistakeable approach that merges folk and world expressions in his rich musical loom. His music sounds fresh, new, powerful, contemporary and alive. Seglem will be touring Norway and Germany in the autumn of 2023 with a brand-new release. 

  • Karl Seglem: tenor saxophone 
  • Erlend Viken: fiddle 
  • Håkon Høgemo: Hardanger fiddle 
  • Kenneth Lien: mouth harp, langeleik 
  • Hallvard Gaardløs: bass 
  • Kåre Opheim: drums 
  • Reidar Skår: electronics 

Foto: O. Apneseth

Ei aning grønt (a sense of green) (2023)

Karl Seglem

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