Following his contributions in bands such as Kjorstad brothers, Morgonrode, Reolô and Vassvik, Rasmus Kjorstad finally released his first solo album. On this record, Rasmus plays violin, octave violin and the traditional Norwegian instrument langleik. Rasmus’ langleik is an old instrument from Sør-Fron in Gudbrandsdalen. 

Rasmus Kjorstad presents a selection of traditional tunes, mainly fiddle tunes from Fron. The source of almost all of the tunes on this album is “Iver spelmann”, Iver Engjom Storodden (1842-1924), who played fiddle, clarinet and flute. Iver’s playing was documented in 1896 when the Swedish song collector Einar Övergaard transcribed 21 springleikar (a traditional dance form) one evening in Byre, which today is right in the centre of Vinstra. Later, a local collector, Pål Kluften, also transcribed several melodies by Iver. 

  • Rasmus Kjorstad: fiddle, langeleik 

Foto: Johannes Selvaag

Spelstund (2022)
Ta:lik TA245

Rasmus Kjorstad

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